Then there is CHRISTINA. I have not followed her closely before but, wow, she was spectacular: the way she looked, the way she sang, the way she danced and the way she acted. She came across, to me anyway, as likeable. You root for her. I found her poignant. I got all teary several times. I thought there was real chemistry between her and her (really sexy, handsome) love interest.
I had a chance to hug Cher and chat a moment with Christina. But forgot to take any more photos. My bad!
Who knows what the critics will say. It would be easy to pick the movie apart for being too like an extended music video. But when you have Aguilera and Cher and all that dancing and songs, why not. It made for a good evening. A good date flick.
During the evening I sat and spoke with PR maven, Ronni Chasen. She did the PR for “On Golden Pond.” You can imagine the shock and heartbreak when we learned the next morning that she had been shot 5 times in the chest and killed while driving down an exclusive street in Beverly Hills coming home from the premiere. No one knows who or why—yet.
IT give us pause, yes? How fragile life is. We never know, so we need to make it matter while we can.
Source: JaneFonda
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