Monday, June 27, 2011


During this first season of NBC’s The Voice, the drama hasn’t always been about the contestants.

In fact, critics have speculated that there’s onstage (and offstage) tension between coaches Adam Levine and Christina Aguilera.

So naturally, we were surprised when we heard the two were teaming up for Maroon 5‘s new single, “Moves Like Jagger.’

Our very own Carson Daly premiered the track worldwide this morning on AMP Radio and Adam called in to explain what’s going on behind the scenes!

The new single started trending worldwide on Twitter almost instantly and seems to be well on its way to becoming a summer sensation.

Carson got Adam Levine on the line to talk about working with Christina on both this track and The Voice:

If you missed the world premiere of “Moves Like Jagger” this morning on AMP Radio, take a listen right here!

"You know what, I think it’s going to be a great thing working together because I think she’s an amazing talent. We kind of are stupid, a little bickering on the show, but it doesn’t mean anything, you know? We’re just playing around and I think this will be a testament to the fact that we’re not going to let the reality TV gods pit us against each other."
But remember, The Voice is still a competition and Adam will do whatever it takes to defeat one of Team Xtina‘s strong contenders:
"I wanted Beverly [McClellan]. I really wanted her, but I lost her and now I must destroy her!"
But no matter what, two of Adam’s beloved team members are getting voted off in tonight’s show.

Do you think he’ll get as emotional as Christina did last week? Here’s his take on the situation:
"I love those guys so much and I understand how Blake and Christina felt last week because I’m torn up about it. It’s going to be difficult. The good news is that everyone’s gotten a lot of exposure and a lot of recognition from the show already, so I don’t really consider anyone to be a loser. No one’s lost, but people do have to move forward, so it’ll be tough."

Source: AMPRadio

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