Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The four female finalists who left early -- Lacey Brown, Didi Benami, Katie Stevens and Paige Miles -- start Christina Aguilera's Beautiful, soon joined by Crystal and Siobhan. Siobhan and Paige take the main leads for the next song, Fighter, the fully-recovered Paige sounding tough enough to have lasted a couple more weeks. The women introduce Christina, and she sings just enough of Fighter to make everybody wonder, "That's it?!"

But the lights come back up and Christina's getting the ballad You Lost Me all to herself. The Idol women are nowhere to be found on the stage -- maybe Christina's just blown them off it, because she's exhibiting a combination of range and precision-based control that none of them possessed. That said, I'd dare anybody who's never heard this song before to quote more than the title after her performance.

Next, it's Ricky Gervais by satellite, paying tribute to Simon: "You have taken ordinary people's dreams and made those dreams a reality ... and you only take 80 percent of their wages. What a guy."

Source: USAToday

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