Saturday, July 10, 2010


When was the last time you stayed up all night?
It would have been my video shoot for Not Myself Tonight. I didn't go to bed till five in the morning. In the freezing rain, in the cold, wearing a two-piece red latex outfit. Torture! But beautiful. I'm really into fetish gear and latex is really making a strong statment for me. Good body contours.
Has your husband worn it?
I would not know! And I'll never know! You don't wanna get your balls caught in that.
When was the last time you used public transportation?
Like taxi or bus or what? I can't even remember. Hah hah! What's a diva? Well if the shoe fits...
When was the last time you thought, "I can't go out wearing this" because it was too risque?
Never! Well, maybe when I was pregnant. There was no latex then.
When was the last time you were in a fight?
Verbally? Two weeks ago.
With who?
No comment.
Did you win?
I did, actually. In the long run...
When was the last time you got a piercing?
Oh not in years. Not since my Stripped days.
When was the last time you removed a piercing?
Probably when I got pregnant.
The diamond one down below?
No, that I took out earlier.
When was the last time you thought about death?
Not death but I've been thinking about an end-of-the-world moment.
We are aproaching 2012.
Let's not talk about that! Since I had my son Max I'm hypersensitive for safety.
When was the last time to spoke to Britney?
When was the last time you cooked a proper meal?
Cooked? It's not in my vocabularly. I don't really know how to cook but I know how to hook up a great baked potato.
Is Max living on pizza and baked potatoes?
No, I supply him with an amazing chef.
When was the last time you did something illegal?
Probably a month ago. I can't tell you what. I don't even know why it's illegal anyway.
What was the last song you couldn't get out of your head?
There was alot of Prodigy playing on the video shoot. I got really into them again. Their first album.
They have a new one out.
I have to get that. I should work with them next.
When was the last time you played Guitar Hero?
I've never played it. I'm a big gamer, but old school. Mario, Donkey Kong, Pacman. I have all those big arcade games and pinball machines at home. It's fun.
When was the last time you were physically sick?
I got nauseous with exhaustion the other day from a video shoot. It was just a long day.
What's the last thing you'd do if the world was ending?
I would panic and cling to my son and husband and dogs. And then figure out a plan from there.
Credits: ChurchOfChristina

1 comment:

  1. LOL i love her answer on the last question!!
