Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Proud FM's Musical Discrimination

One of our precious readers has informed us that ProudFM, in Toronto, Canada, has a "Musical Director" who hand selects what is broadcast live on-air. His sexual orientation happens to be heterosexual. This reader inquired when ProudFM would air "Not Myself Tonight," the lead single off of Christina Aguilera's fourth studio album, Bionic. The Musical Director replied:

"We won't," he laughs, "Christina's music SUCKS. We won't play it unless I like it."

How dare he completely deny the proposition to air the lead single? Christina has a tremendously huge following which has made itself known especially during the past few weeks, not to mention, she is a prominent LGBT icon. ProudFM 103.9, is a LGBT radio station.

OUR MISSION: Flood the stations email inbox with DEMANDS that they play "Not Myself Tonight." Christina does not discriminate, neither should he. God sees no colors.

This is not a DICTATORSHIP, but a DEMOCRACY, and Christina's music WILL be embraced.

WARNING: These requests must seem GENUINE, and must NOT mention the Musical Director AT ALL. This will thwart our attempts to have the song broadcast live on-air.

ProudFM's EMAIL: http://www.proudfm.com/song_request.php

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