Friday, July 10, 2009


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So it's Friday!! Thank God! Woke up this morning in a fabulous mood, I've got a fun night planned, some friends and I are going to see "BRUNO" which looks absolutely hilarious, and yes, even though "I'm Gay," I can take a Gay Joke, ha I bet I will laugh harder than the straight people...then we are headed to The awesome Club in Florence, South about the "Daydreaming"...I woke up this morning... I was awake but was "Daydreaming" and about what you ask? Yes the diva herself...I got up like I do every morning, brushed my teeth, got ready for work, and the whole time - yep still "Daydreaming." I was wondering what Christina was doing at this very moment; wondered if she uses an electronic toothbrush like me?...wondered when I'm going to replace her GQ cover? (Which is framed and hanging over the toilet wall) with a "NEW" Mag cover and wondered what the new mag cover will look like and yes it's hanging there, (kinda funny when your taking a leak) feels like she's watching I get to work and I'm still "Daydreaming." I'm thinking, "Gosh! What is Christina doing?" Wonder if she's recording, if she's doing a photo shoot for the album, wonder if she's rehearsing for her next performance...wonder what her first single is going to sound like...when is it going to be thing is for sure...Christina is doing a great job at keeping her New Album under wraps! I shouldn't complain! She doesn't know that this is murder to us...oh Christina you just love the element of surprise don't you?! BUT I am so a kid at Christmas... and unfortunately I can't open the gift and then re-wrap it like I do at Christmas...I don't have a a few teasing words, "futuristic," "Andy Warhol," "Tokyo lights"...ohhh the torture...anyhow I'm going to carry on with my "Daydreaming"...UNTIL SOME NEWS DROPS...AND DON'T WORRY GUYS IF I KNOW IT...SO WILL YOU!
Aint No Other Man for "Anonymous"

Listen to this beautiful song by Sia...I just know her & Christina made something amazing!


  1. How is that "futuristic"?
    its a poor dub mix...the Original is much much better, I dont get how eletronic music is all of a sudden "futuristic" it's old, artists have been doing eletronic/tecno for years and years. hello?!

  2. @Anonymous..I took what you said into consideration and you were right so I removed it. I just threw it in there last minute, wasnt the best mix but a great workout how about now enjoy the original..posted just for you... =)

  3. OMG! yay! you are so rad!! haha, now this version makes me get crazy!
    Im loving this site! so exciting!
